Sorolla in Xàbia (general visit) - in english
05/01/2025, 02/02/2025
Hora inicio: 10:30 - Hora fin: Sans spécifier
Zone: Port Fish Market
Discover the paintings, lyrical colors, drawings, impressions and experiences which Joaquín Sorolla lived in the Xàbia town and coast by means of these cultural visits. Route in English. Accessible route. Prior reservation required with David Gutiérrez, tel.: 646 87 50 14. (whatsapp) www.sorollajavea.wordpress.com
Routes et excursions 10€, children: 5€

Handicraft market
14/12/2024 al 15/12/2024, 21/12/2024 al 22/12/2024, 28/12/2024 al 29/12/2024, 04/01/2025 al 05/01/2025
Hora inicio: 11:00 - Hora fin: 14:00
Zone: Paseo Marítimo Joaquín Sorolla
Discover all that this small fair has to offer, whose articles have been created with skill, patience and love by their artisan authors. Watercolours, leather combined with macramé, ceramics, jewellery, papier-mâché figures, mandalas and soaps, among other things.